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True Stories from Michigan- Face of Hate

 “This intimate portrait of an American domestic terrorist contemplating mayhem is a close-up and unflinching look at right-wing hatred and intolerance in the United States. But the story of Jasen Barker comes with two powerful twists: Filmed over nearly a decade; viewers discover that Barker's broken humanity, loathing, and hostility come from his inability as a child to cope with witnessing his mother's violent death in a car crash. And the other surprise: After his arrest by the FBI and spending years behind bars, Barker truly changes, transforming into a man who understands his aversions are wrong as he lays his hatred down. And that's when a film about hate and evil turns into a beautiful story about love, hope, and forgiveness with a shocking confession in the end….”

Sunday: 3:00pm

April 26

True Stories from Michigan- Detroit: The City of Chefs

April 27

True Stories from Michigan- Marqueetown